DOGS DOGS DOGS!! I love 'em all. big n' small. and my next "cat" will be a Japanese Chin - outside of all the cats i find outside my house, that I feed for months, and threaten to take in until i get help finding them homes. i got 2 of the world's best kitties, so I'm good.... but the rest of you... you need one. yes you do...
soooooooooo..... if Dobermans become extinct... or i just go back to my roots (was raised with Afghans) - I will go to the source. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azawakh the AZAWAKH!
I fell in love with this breed - so i nerded it up on FB
Abbi A. Allan BTW - all dogs are wolves. they can all interbreed. basically, if you - ..wellllll... those Germans and their genetics.... BUT - their study on Foxes - is pretty amazing. The deal with domestication is different colors & floppy ears = only difference. Hormones = colors & ears. The only "dog" that is the oldest - I met today, and might be my next dog. a 10,000 - 9000 year old breed (aka - as long as the Homo sapiens has been around) http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Azawakh you don't have cats, you don't let people in your house who don't knock... and if you like to eat bunnies, deer.... camels .... whatever... great & otherwise, sweetest darlings ever. a trainable hound!!!! zero genetic diseases or illnesses, because in the other parts of the world, their dogs still have an 'evolutionary process" now - I'm not a fan, but the ones that aren't healthy get taken and tied to a tree for "Allah" / circle of life / Jesus / nature - what ever to take... but because of that - selected for health, companionship. hunting skills, ability to get along in a pack (human and dog).... agility, speed, obedience... boom. when it comes to utility, there are few breeds out there that cut even a muffin.... but jack / fox / rat terriers do an amazing job, German Sheps and Border Collies... brilliant.. Did i mention I learned a lot about dogs today? Nerd it up!

Morphology is very similar to that of the Middle Eastern and South Indian sight hounds, all swift, high-bred coursing hounds, although there are several obvious differences. For example, a short, flat back combined with long legs place the hips higher than the withers. The Azawakh is almond eyed and...